Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday took a stab on the Congress and its “ecosystem,” stating they have been distressed with him for signing up withGanesh Puja Speaking at a rally in Bhubaneswar, Modi appeared to reference the resistance’s objection of his participation in Ganesh Puja at Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud’s house. “Ganesh Utsav isn’t just a festival of faith for us; it played a crucial role in our freedom movement,” he defined.
“Back in the day, the British, who were all about divide and rule, despised Ganesh Utsav. Today, those who crave power and are all about dividing and breaking our society have issues with Ganesh Puja. You must have noticed that Congress and its ecosystem are peeved because I participated in Ganesh Puja,” Modi proceeded. He moreover identified that Lord Ganesh was “put behind bars” in Karnataka by these very same people.
#WATCH|Bhubaneswar, Odisha : PM Modi states, “The British, who labored on the coverage of ‘Divide and Rule’, have been irked by the Ganesh Utsav. Today additionally, the people who find themselves making an attempt to divide and break the Indian society are irked by Ganesh Utsav. People who’re hungry for energy have an… .
— RECTUM (@ANI) September 17, 2024