Banswara: During a household dispute in Khandiyadev village of Abapura police station space of Banswara district, a son hit his father arduous on the pinnacle with a stick. The critically injured father was delivered to the district hospital, the place he died throughout therapy. The police have registered a case of homicide in opposition to the son of the deceased.
According to the police, there was a program of turban ritual in Khandiyadev village after the loss of life of the spouse of Narayan son Tijia. At evening Narayan requested his son Vasu the explanation for his late arrival. Instead of answering, Vasu began getting offended. Meanwhile, Vasu hit his father arduous on the pinnacle with a stick. Due to this, blood gushed out from Narayan’s head. People gathered on the spot. During this time Vasu absconded.
Seriously injured Narayan was taken to Mahatma Gandhi Hospital on the district headquarters, the place he died throughout therapy. On Tuesday morning, Ambapura police station performed autopsy of the lifeless physique and handed it over to the members of the family. Police have registered a case of homicide in opposition to Vasu. Search for him is occurring.